Friday, December 16, 2005

Life Changes

Well, to give a bit of a life update........The big polar bear said my temporary middle management penguin cover off position was coming to an end. Quite unexpected due to the fact all my lower penguins were brand new to my fishing hole and my fish were still getting used to them. But hey. This Eskimo don't get to make the big smart decisions. So they had other fishing holes for me to tend as a regular lower scale peguin and would be reducing the amount of bacon I got to bring home each month as well. They were going to let me take some of my special fish with me (and probrably let me still do all the extra work). But instead I said "NO Thanks"! Can't survive on any less bacon than I already earn (and yet all north pole subsidies say I make too much to apply for help). I will now be working with pipe instead of fish. Instead of beeing a penguin I'll be a grunt and work with other Grunts that have less education (including highschool), less dependable work ethic, yet have always made more money than me. SO no more. I'll take the job that gives me a weekly bonus just for showing up for each shift (sounds like rocket science!) and I'll make twice as much per month doing it. Too bad I live at the North Pole were it gets really cold working outside!

But hey, I'll be able to bring home the bacon now (enough to feed me and mini Eskimo each month)!

Wish me luck, I'll be a tally person for the pipe and I have yet to know what that means!


"Dat Wascally Wabbit" said...

Love you Suzanne! I really am sorry to hear that your boss couldn't work something better out for you, help you stay on. Your "new fishing hole" will be quite different for you, I know. Very looooong hours, but much better pay. We are looking forward to seeing you and Thomas for Christmas. Thank's for posting your new post in here. We love you!!

Mister Ed T said...

Hey, now you're a real eskimo, out in the cold, parka and mucklucks (steel toed of course) and rosie red cheeks too! Tally person? That means you are a "Count" too! "Count Von Suzie Q." Has a nice ring to it.
We'll be looking down the trail for your sled to come over the last hill soon. These eskimos are busy adding a lower level to our igloo, so we will have lots of room for three generations of eskimos!