Friday, September 29, 2006

Nearly 3 months !

Just to give you all an update..........Nearly 3 months in and it feels like this has been life for years. We are both busy working while the kids are busy with a new year at school. Somehow we manage to have a date night every 2 to 4 weeks. In fact, I think we've had better luck getting together for dates now than when we were dating!


Mister Ed T said...

Nice Pic. Keep up the date nights. See you next weekend, Lord willing.

"Dat Wascally Wabbit" said...

What a nice picture of your little family. Thank you so much Suzanne, for taking the time to post it. I love you all very much. Keep those dates goin, they are so important!

Your dad's and my last date nite was Friday nite, out to Mr. Mikes, then on to the movie debut of "Open Season"! What a funny movie! We were probably the oldest ones there. The first and second viewings were sold out. It was a sea of kids and moms and dads, (and of course, some of us gramas and grampas).

Love your all!!! Can't wait to see you, even if it will be so briefly. This grama misses you all.

Eagle-eye Di said...

This is a very nice picture of the four of you.I do believe it belongs in a frame.Thanks