Saturday, February 26, 2005

And the secret is out

Alrighty alrighty. Just give me a sec to warm my toes. Tis been a bit empty round our little igloo the last couple years (yes really that long). Lately we've had a nice visitor every so often. He'd be my signing Eskimo. He shows up on occasion to clean my igloo, shovel around the dog sled, and even take it for a wash. In return I get to come along and listen to him sing and help him Dj dances and such. Yep i get to dance now! Shhhh, don't tell dat wascally wabbit or elmer Fudd. Well I must get back to my work so y'all can chew on that blubber for awhile.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag, Suzie, about the nameless face in the mystery photo!

And, don't worry a bit about your your secret--it's safe with us! I won't breathe a word of it to dat wascally wabbit or Elmer Fudd! Yup...I'll keep a lid on it for ya!

Eagle-eye Di said...

Keep a lid on it? The cat's out of the bag.Give us the scoop Suzzie. Its from us Aunt's.Honesty and openness is a release of inward tension.Love ya.Everyone deserves new release.

Wedding Singer said...

Hello everyone,

Yes, I am the guy in the the photo with the Eskimo girl. I am definately intrigued with all of this blog stuff, as I didn't know what a blog was until Suzanne told me. I guess I can blame it all on the crazy hours I work. Who knew my face would be published on the internet! Surprise!

Well, since I'm at work at the moment (with some free time), I best get off the computer and get some shut eye. I bet that Eskimo will be surprized I've broken through the ice without her knowing about it. Good night!